"Maharlikans virtue!"
by Manong
Patience is a virtue that the young turks must possess. Without it everything learned becomes boring and monotonous. They may not know it but it is a challenge setforth for them to realize. It is one of the basic foundation for development of self-discipline and personality. When combined with wisdom .......... it is simply the art of diplomacy.
So young turks, as our great national hero quoted, "The children are the hope of the motherland". Develop that virtue because when you become leader or manager of your own field of endeavor, you will need a lot of diplomacy and strong personality to command respect among your peers. As has been said in NARAPHIL and I shall reiterate it again, "NARAPHIL is an institution where we develop leaders and managers for this nation through ARNIS". So thus the Liping Maharlika for all the years have passed never abandoned nor left her out in her years of hardships and trials. Liping Maharlika is the captain of the ship and NARAPHIL is the ship.
Lucky for you, young turks, to have these guys to serve for you and follow their foot steps! Their success is a product of long years of training and experience they've learned from Maharlika. They offer you a better opportunity way of life - simple and honest. What else do you want and aspire for???

"The Operators"
If we have the team to beat, the combination of these two individuals ................ is known as the operators. Liping Maharlika president (Capt Rick Sarte) and the NARAPHIL Secretary General (Cmdt. Jun Martinada) when combined together are like "a diesel engine" when they are hot everything go well as planned. The longer that engine runs the better is the performance. The secret lies on their years of training patiently plus the experience in their own field of profession and business makes them a tougher and a well-oiled machine. So develop that virtue of patience!
We need these kind of people - committed, dedicated, respectful and loyal, to what they believe is right and just. They help others in finding an honest job or even have sponsored some students to college.
"The team works"
In order for an organization to work, every members must share his/her time for it to accomplish needed plans and programs. They take things responsibly serious as they at work or at their offices and businesses. Because they believe that by doing it, the young turks will do the same when time comes for them to take-over of what has been left. Probably not only a tradition but a legacy!
So keep up the good work Maharlikans! I know you have all the resources to reach the goal you aspire. I wish you good luck and may the Lord bless you and the good deeds you have done to your fellowmen, to God and country!
Patience my lad, patience! Time will come when you will carry-on of what they have handed down unto you!
"Be Strong and Confident"
Every Maharlikans has its own unique talents. They never fail to amuse me - from a doctor to bonsai maker; from karateka to a good chef; from an engineer to piano player; from a teacher to a singer or a housewife to a great arnis performer and others. They are people of so many talents and varied potentials. No wonder they can be successful in any other fields. That's what made them strong and confident to face the challenges of times!
To face that challenges of time? .................. you need a lot of petience!
"Shall we dance"
Life is such a beautiful way to live. We only pass this way once and anything you do reflects of what your future be. So make every efforts meaningful as God has given us that rare opportunity. Teaching arnis is probably our destiny as what has God chosen us to do for our youth. Hence we, Maharlikans, are compelled to do and carry-on what our forebears has handed down unto us. It's like a beautiful dance that we make every efforts meaningful and as lively as the music plays. So shall we dance???
But how can we dance if both of our feet are LEFT FOOT? Again my lad ............. be patient in learning which is your right foot from your left foot. It takes time to perfect it like a dance!
"The gifted pair"
The professor and the chief engineer! What an unusual pair? But both doing a common cause - playing arnis! Four decades of friendship - in hardships and happiness, in despair and in love, the challenges they have hurdled in life. They have been toughened and matured in time. But what is more very unusual of this two ................... they are both gifted in the art of arnis!
They have nurtured that talent through time. How??? They trained patiently like the others everyday, seven times a week for fifty-two weeks for four consecutive years.
"An astonishing form for a lady"
She has won awards worthy for a champion. An honor probably beyond its worth. But that was more than a decade ago. Can she still have that form??? You judge it for yourself! A really astonishing form for a lady like Ana to possess such fete.
What can be the secret behind such success? Well ............... dedication, lots of training and most important of all - PATIENCE! She never trains sloppily as you can see in her spontaneous pictures. She always see to it that training is always done at the utmost performance or competitive level - the PHILMAT way of training.
"The future Jenny or Ana"
Sir, then how can I be like them???
Well, young lady, if you must follow their foot steps .............. learn the virtue of patience. Arnis is a skill that needs a lot of honing. Train patiently with these masters and I can assure you that, you only not equal their talents but possibly go far beyond of what they have achieved. They have opened so many doors for you to choose and its up to you to choose wisely and follow of what your heart yearns.
They can make you a great arnisador while they can also create the leadership potentials in you. I know you can never fail but if ever by any chance did not succeed, I can assure you that you have developed and assimilated the best of who you are - a good person, a Maharlikan!
"The way to do it"
Everything have been written and said ..................... the only way to do it, is start it now! Train daily patiently and religiously ........... two hours a day, seven days a week for fifty-two weeks. Keep your body and spirit as healthy as they should always be. Maintain that equilibria in your life. Learn to carry responsibilities as they come our way.
Train as if you are in the performance or competitive level. In that way, you slowly achieved of what we wanted you to be. A lousy training results in a poor performance and resulting into "sour-graping". Never develop that kind of attitude. You loose because you did not perform well so don't blame others for your inequities ........... that is not the Maharlikan way. Develop that virtue of patience!
"Liping Maharlika is the captain of the ship and NARAPHIL is the ship"
by Capt. Ricardo F. Sarte