Maharlika Celebrants for November

Alex Dela Cruz
He belongs to the 5th generation of Maharlika instructors. Truly superb athlete as proven during the 1st WEKAF Championship by winning the Middle weight category.
His skills and talent does not only end there but also proves his worthiness as a potential manager and leader of Maharlika by pioneering the establishment of the Quezon City Maharalika Arnis Club (QCMAC) in Amoranto Sports Complex and managing numerous local, national and international tournaments as well as arnis seminar and workshops.
He currently enjoys his passion in photgraphy and was officially designated as the official NARAPHIL photographer and Chief Instructor. As chief instructor, he is responsible in the formulation of new guidelines for instructors training and accreditation.
He was also essential in the formation of the US Embassy Arnis Team in 1990 and taught some members of the US Marine guards assigned at the said embassy.
He is not only a superb athlete, a good friend, a family man, a good father of Miggs but most of all a TRUE Maharlikan to reckon with. May you have more blessings to come! Happy birthday Bro!

Ollie Memije
Ole! Bro Ollie! You have exceeded beyond expectation of what you can achieve. We just like to reminisce those days when you came to the Maharlika. Like Bro Alex, you belong to the 5th generation of Maharlika instructors and have been tagged together with your two sparring buddies - Ewew and Bongliit, as the "Tatlong itlog". Not that you are bad but the best of it! Your combination with Ewew and Bongliit, brings out the best in Disarming techniques and Regional variations with such awesome grace and speed. You have elevated the troupe to the level of professionalism and world class performance.
Now professor Ollie, you do not only teach within the confined walls of our conference hall but one of the oldest and prestigious university in Asia. As a master in Mass Communication, you proved yourself worthy of it! How we enjoy watching you as one of the commercial model of television ad. No wonder they tagged you as "Mr. Ajinomoto"! You perform well in a "Mime Show" and being a part and member of the Philippines Theaters Guild is such an honor and fete. Your tremendous talents and skills have proven once again that Maharlikans are a rare species and breed!
Keep up the good work and may God grant you more blessings and life so that you can continue helping others. Happy birthday Bro!

Rene Fernandez
A tall, good-looking, Chinese mestizo-like or should we say, the boy next door type? Beware ladies he doesn't mind you much but would rather spent his time with his sparring Cavite boy buddies training and practicing in the gym. We call them the "Urchins of the Pintong Bato gym of Bacoor". They are the broods of 2nd generation Maharlika instructor of Ben Pacia, who by the way was known notoriously and feared instructor during those days (according to them).
Bro Rene belongs to the 3rd generation of Maharlika instructors. He joined the organization in 1973 at a very tender age and won several gold medals in karate competition. His best performance is in the individual kata and later concentrated their practice in arnis. He belongs to the Maharlika Arnis-Sikaran Association Bacoor chapter of "Pintong Bato".
Now, after more than 30 years, he still find time helping in managing our arnis activities. His skills and talents is such enormous that recently he was still able to perform for the 3rd FMA Arnis Festival together with his sparring partner - Capt. Rick Sarte, the "Advance Sparring" with such awesome grace and speed. Though both practitioners are busy and successful in their profession and business, they still find time to share their talents and skills to showcase our legacy.
Truly a Maharlikan in heart and spirit, he never ceases to extend his help for the sake of arnis. A good friend, a comrade in arms, a family man, a good husband and father but most of all a TRUE Maharlikan worthy for the PHILMAT Generation II to emulate. Kudos compadre!
Happy birhtday Bro and may God give you more blessings and life to share with others!

Sally Pascubillo
Frail looking and very silent reserved girl! Really? Don't be deceived by those descriptions because she's such awesome when it comes to arnis skills. Together with the other girls, they perform well in the twirling exercises or form that when you see them, its like a group of buzzing choppers roaming around the ground. They also perform well in the Disarming techniques and other Routines. Very professional, athletic and skillfull. She never misses a single training day or stay-in seminar/workshops. The 100% attendance girl!
That was 3 decades ago, now successful in her career and working together with her family in New York. She was essential in the reorganization of the MASA into Liping Maharlika. She joined the Maharlika Arnis-Sikaran Association (Luneta chapter) in 1973 and belongs to the elite ladies of the 3rd generation Maharlika instructors.
Thanks for all the help and assistance Sis! May you have more to come and God bless you on your Birthday!

Jenny Gonzales
Hmmm! How can we start to describe this lady??? If we start writing things regarding her achievements, well this webpage would not have enough space for it!
Ah! ARNIS! Yes, she's the darling of the PHILMAT first generation. Though the smallest among the ladies, or probably the cutest is the best description! She's the most skillfull and performs very well in her different routines. She has been featured in several Sunday magazines during her heydays and dubbed as the "Arnis Lady".
Superbly athletic and skillfull, don't be misled by her height because she can knock you down like Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao with a single punch and kick. Oh! What more if she starts using her sticks or converting her umbrella in the-like of sticks .................. it's awesome! That's why in her routine, "Umbrella-Police Application", she performs well together with her aunt (Luz Arroyo) into an astounding applause. Her most loved tableau is her routine fight with Bro. Jimmy Meneses in the "Unarmed vs. Long pole" routine.
Now, she is a career government officer who worked closely with the five Philippine presidents as Media and PR under the office of the Presidential Press Secretary. She was recently promoted as the Deputy Executive Director of the Commission on Filipino Overseas.
An example of "small but big"! Height doesn't matter much but the heart and spirit to be big is what it counts to achieve things in life. A dedicated public servant, a true friend, a comrade in arms, a mother and a fine wife! What more can we describe her but a FINE Maharlikan!
May God grant you more blessings and oppotunities that you may share them to others. Happy birthday Sis!!!

Maria Luz Arroyo
Like the rest of the elite ladies of Maharlika belonging to the 3rd generation instructors, she is one of the ladies that can hardly be described because of numerous achievements she has received like her niece - Jenny.
Very skillfull, athletic, talented, studious and pretty looking arnisadora is something very rare for a girl like her. No wonder probably why no colleague bother to court her because of the things we described her. Just joking! He! he! he! Modestly aside, she is a kind hearted and a fulfilled mother with successful career in teaching. She has pioneered numerous projects and produced good arnisadors who perform well in the arnis circles.
With all those descriptions and responsibilities, she still find time to share her talents and skills in teaching arnis to the troupe. Truly a dedicated Maharlikan!
May God grant you more blessings and life to share your talents and skills to the next generation of PHILMAT. Happy birthday and thanks for all your help!
From all of us!
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