Maharlika Celebrants for May
Maharlikan Celebrants
May 09
Bro Andoy

"The salient player"

Your enthusiasm and commitment is unquestionably unrelenting. Though you were very far from us during our times of trial and challenges, you were there supporting our cause. We know you travelled far places in pursuit of your professional growth and dreams, but your heart is always in us and we can even feel your spirit.
You never failed to help us in deeds and in kinds ........... for that we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Three decades ago in Luneta, we gathered like flocks and trained like warriors preparing for an unknown battle. You were the best of the Sikaran players and I tasted that skills of yours. Wow! It's awesome and painful for me to spar with you. He! he! he!
We dreamed of building a school with martial arts as their prime sports. That dream came true with the help of Bro Rick and he's keeping it up us we grow maturely. So those childhood dreams of our are not just dreams but a reality because we choose it to be. A few weeks from now I'll be sending you my complete version of our Maharlika arnis system CD, as I promised.
Today, we celebrate your day of birth with no much funfare but prayers to thank God that you are still in good health to support us of our objective. We shall soon meet and hope to spar again with you .............. not sikaran but arnis of course!
We love you Bro and thanks for everything! Happy Birthday and stay healthy as always!

Bro. Bong

"Small but tall"

Don't be misled with his looks and manner of command, for I can assure you he is purely harmless but deadly as his guns and sticks. This is a police officer with wits and guts, though he may seem undersize for boys department, he holds very high position that you'll find "stiff neck" in looking at his awards and plaques.
Sorry Bro. for the exaggerated description but truly they are meant for you. We are very proud of your achievement and position you have earned through years of efforts. You remained loyal and committed to LM and that we can never repay but probably ........ a word of "Thank you!". So Bro Veriong, start reporting to him with "Sir!" though you may be senior in our group for a decade but he out ranks you now! He! he! he!
For all the things you have done for LM ................ thank you! And this day we will celebrate your birthday with prayers and thanksgiving that God may protect you from all harm and temptation. Your good efforts will always be rewarded if not here surely in heaven. We know some people who changed when their rank starts becoming heavy on their shoulder - "Mahirap ng ma reach!". We love you and hope you remain as you are always.
Jimmy Meneses
May 18
The "Silent Operator"
Dra. Josephine Murillo
May 19
"Lady who love pets"
Hello! it's nice to hear from you again.
Thanks for your belated greetings from your Sir Bong.
Our Central office is currently located at Bacoor, Cavite c/o Liping Maharlika of Bacoor gym. You can also keep in touch with our activities at the other webpage:
My e-mail:; your sir Bong -; Sir Alex -
God bless and keep in touch.
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