"Facing the challenge ...............
............ of next generation"
by Manong
Look at the young turks my lad, do you think you perform better than them! Patience my lad, you still have so many hurdles to go. The goals setforth before you can only be achieved with dedication and discipline. But never falter because we are always around to help and guide you …….. that is our mission!
We are face with a new challenge! So let us not compare the ages but rather work out their skills and build them at their advantage ........ for learning arnis knows not ages. Arnis is for all ....... young or old; rich or poor; unlettered or professional ...... this is your legacy and your birth right! "The spirit of your Filipino culture!"
You are all very lucky, my lad because these teachers you have are extra-ordinary people and dedicated to their vision. This is Professor Maria Luz Arroyo, a seasoned lady with big heart who shares her vast knowledge in her field of sports. So never miss to get her instructions because they are all meant for you.
And here is another Maharlika, Mr. Alex Dela Cruz. Like Professor Arroyo, he is a seasoned arnisador by winning the "World Middleweight Division" during the 1st WEKAF Invitational in 1989. A successful professional working in a foreign embassy. A very busy and family oriented person but still find time to share his expertise with you guys. So grab that oppportunity because this is a rarity.
My lad, that is not the way to do it. You will not last long in this kind of training without your fingers. So take my advise and play safely and position yourself at your advantage and not be beaten black-and-blue nor loose your precious fingers.
Listen well and follow it according to the basics. They shall be your foundation to the next level. Be patient with them and understand them well that all this things are for your own well being. Who knows this may even save the lives of loved ones or yours. Godo Corpin is here to assist you with his instructor Alex Dela Cruz.
This is the way to do it so practice to execute well. The technique lies on your desire to learn it by heart. So be patient my lad because teaching sometimes is monotonous and tiresome.
Okay, take my command and follow me. Be sure not to hit me in the back or else ........ we will end up in the hospital! Listen very keenly so you can follow my execution.
Today, arnis has advance to a level where it can hold it’s own among the martial arts of the world. Truly Filipino in origin and spirit it remains as one of our most precious legacies from the past.
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