LM Birthday Celebrants ........ March!
Maharlikans Celebrants of the Month!

As years gone by, our camaraderie has gone stronger. There is no doubt ........ it is boundless! Yes! we owe it to Liping Maharlika.
Others says that we are the right people at the right time in the right place bound together with a right common noble cause ............ ARNIS!
Arnis is a way of life, a noble life ............. if only people realize the great importance of what we have achieved for the past three decades in our lives for Liping Maharlika. Our youthful minds and hearts were truly full of love and wisdom to share, so that others may experience and also improved the ways of their lives ............ a noble life!
So on behalf of your fellow brothers and sisters, we would like to honor you for being a friend, ........... a sister or brother, .......... but most of all being a Maharlikan!

24 March
A very energetic and daring lady. She has the guts to take challenges for the future by traveling abroad alone ......... which she successfully did! Congratulations for your guts Sis!!!
Dedicated to whatever job or assignment given to her. A woman with a big heart .......... never question orders but a lot of wisdom to share! Keep it up Mennie and we are always around for you!
From the bottom of our hearts we celebrate your day of birth with pride and honor! Regards to your family and God bless!

26 March
You have brought honor to yourself by winning the "1st WEKAF Form Championship" ....... but it is also our honor for being a part of the Liping Maharlika. You never cease to amuse us with your talents and beauty .......... no sophistication but as simple as it is. Art is very lucky to have you and no doubt ............ Tenten has really followed your foot steps by winning honor for herself and country, even though on a different field of sports.
This month, we dedicate this page to honor you both for being with us for the past three decades. We know we cannot repay the dedication you have extended with the Liping Maharlika and so all of us ............. but we would like you to know deep from our hearts our affection and care as a Maharlika family!
May your tribe multiply and flourish! Keep it up and .................
May you have more to come .........
"Arnis is a way of life ............. a noble life"
by Liping Maharlika
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