Maharlika supports NARAPHIL & FMA Festival 2006
Liping Maharlika
the NARAPHIL and FMA Festival
Liping Maharlika President
joins the presentation!
It is a rarity for the Liping Maharlika president performing in this some sort of arnis exhibition since we know that he is a very busy person being a businessman and considering his position. It is an honor and privilege for him to perform in this event particularly with his sparring partner since their heydays with the PHILMAT, who by the way is also a bank manager, both busy on their jobs and still find time for it.
Performing such fete with speed and stamina is really a rarity for their stature. Kudos gentlemen you're such a true "Arnis Ilustrados". You have once again proven to your wards - the young turks, of what they can expect when they reach that age considering your stature. Truly it would be rewarding for them and to look upon as something to aspire in the future.

Capt. Rick Sarte and Rene Fernandez are about to perform their "Larong Maharlika". It is a free-style advance sparring based from the basic pre-arranged sparring technique in their Basic Arnis Course.
It was called such because it is also the next level wherein the movements are applied in the use of a bladed weapon. It was then called "Kali", the system of fighting using bladed weapons and practiced mostly among the maharlikas or the nobility class. It is this very style where the Liping Maharlika has mastered such finesse in performing this kind of arnis exhibition or play. This is where they were noted for.
This two gentlemen truly bares the mark of a Maharlikan, both in life and spirit. They are a fine example of an "Arnis Ilustrados"!

As they move around and try to out-play each other, they methodically jump speed and ...............

...... move in circles without actually hurting one another as the speed of their movements reaches ..........

...... to the climax! What a spectacular movement and stamina they should have in order to last that few minutes of action.

"The Ending"
....... But like any other story or play it has its own ending or for every fight their is always the victor and the vanquished!
Our Congratulations to the PIGGSAI, IMAF and
organizers of the FMA Festival
for the success of the event!
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