Maharlika Celebrants for December
23 December
A gentleman who is fondly called "Weh" by the ladies of Maharlikans. The most reliable and dependable comrade, who possess an awesome diplomatic skills, never run-out of jokes most of the time and who never ceases everyone of his talent not only in arnis or other martial arts but technical things that comes out in every event the PHILMAT encounters. Regardless of they maybe electrical, mechanical, computer or otherwise including the skills of diplomacy in dealing problem of disputes or troubles - HE IS THE MAN!
Being an engineer with a hobby of photography, probably he has developed that leadership skill innate of himself that gave him a meticulous touch in every event undertaken by the Maharlika, from the big picture of the event to the slightest detail of that activity. He thinks all of that planning, which makes him the big man behind the scene - HE IS THE MAN!
As a PHILMAT member, he possesses the skills and expertise in the use of bladed weaponry to the awesome of the spectators. He takes the lead role together with his sparring buddies Bro Andy for the "ARNIS-SIKARAN", Bro Ariel for the "SABIR" and Bro Vigieh for the FINALE performance - "BURONG TALO"! He also has the skills in the use of the "Nunchakos" and the most popularly known weapon in Batangas, the "BALISONG"! He is the making of "Bruce Lee", but only the duplicate - HE IS THE MAN!
When he migrated to Canada ten years ago, even though he possesses a good government position at his age, it was for a good reason! Though his absence from the Maharlika was a big impact from our activities, his ideas and style of management produce a lot of following from the ranks! Every now and then, he stills comes around for a visit to see what progress he has done for the Maharlika - we never failed him because .......................... HE IS THE MAN!
Every year on the 23rd day of December, the Maharlikans never failed to miss a reunion even though it wasn't her "Foundation Anniversary", but because it is the BIRTHDAY of .................... "Weh" - HE IS THE MAN!
Why he is called the MAN?
He is Emmanuel, that's why!!!
Happy Birthday Bro!
We miss you!!!


Rizal Memorial Sports Complex

(In House Training at Central Office)

Cebu Ground, Nayong Pilipino
(Summer of 1982)

Pacita Complex
San Pedro, Laguna
NARAPHIL Recognition Day
Rizal Memorial Sports Complex
Everybody was awed when you suddenly left for abroad, which we also think you never expected that sooner but we always know for a very good reason. Your leadership style and that diplomatic skills you left us was a very big plus factors in our experience in managing Maharlika and our own businesses. You are a very kindhearted person who never runs out of money to lend someone else in dire of needs or even give it for a cause!
You are really the man!
Happy Birthday Again UTOL!
From all of us!!!
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