Liping Maharlika goes to Houston

A demonstration of the Four-some Sinawali. One of the twelve Sinawali designed by the Liping Maharlika for the youngsters to enjoy playing.

Its intricacy in movements, gracefulness and team work is the most after sought among the twelve kinds of Sinawali. Only the Liping Maharlika has the most comprehensive technique in the different Sinawali style. They even have a separate manual solely dedicated for this technique. It is called "Isang Dosenang Sinawali". The knowledge of this technique is a concerted efforts of the PHILMAT where most of the Senior Instructors are the product of that troupe. To them we salute and give credit for their extensive and untiring effort in their continuous quest for knowledge of the art until to this date.

As part of their envisioned program to expand abroad by 2010, he is currently on a mission to travel abroad and fulfill their commitments.
"Liping Maharlika - Texas, USA Chapter"
4327 Roundtree Lane
Missouri City, Texas 77459