''Magdiwang 2007" Joins PHILMAT Team Building Seminar/Workshop
A different kind
A Seminar/Workshop
During the early formative years of the PHILMAT, a two to three-days in-house training was being conducted four to five times a year not only to enhance the skills of the troupe but more on their cohesiveness or camaraderie.
The seminar/workshop has different level of approaches - from the team building to the leadership training and giving each and everyone the opportunity to take responsibility in each of their undertaking no matter how minute it may be. It also involves some aspect of personality building or identity building and from a simple first-aid to an organized response team to a disaster.
This concept is based on the principle of the Maharlikan way - "noble cause, discipline and honor". We believe that each and every child has the potential to lead and become responsible citizen of this country through arnis. That's why these people devote their precious time and energy in helping these new "Turks" the way.
We believe that the only way to progress shall emanate from the very heart of these children who have been honed in that Maharlikan way. They are the grassroots of the next generation of a True arnisador!
The Challenge
Participants are teamed-up together from different ages and level of knowledge to share one's experience or learn from the other and develop his/her identity from the team. Materials are provided to build something from it through a concerted efforts which determine their visions and make it into a tangible reality. Such example is the above effort in building a tower made out of a newspaper - a dream that it may reach its peak someday!
Enjoying much of the fun while listening to their Mentor, probably even experiencing it and surely they will reminisce the minute of that event in their lives. Their volunteer Mentor is none other than Col. Bong Del Camat of the PNP who is currently the Deputy Chief for the PNP Aviation Command.
Not long ago, about three decades to be exact, we were in the same shoes as these "young Turks" are experiencing now and we always reminisce those moment as the building block of what we are of today!
Instructions are carefully being handled by another volunteer Mentor, none other than Cmdt. Junch Martinada of the San Beda College of Alabang High School Commandant.
For him teamwork is what makes an organization successful and dedication follows next. For every team a leader arises and makes each member a successful follower. Methodically these kind of exercises creates responsibility and subsequent building of character worthy to be proud of - Maharlikan!
Greatness comes with responsibility, because these "young Turks" usually by nature idolize their Mentor. So Mentor are cautious and keen enough to enlighten them on the two sides of the coin!
Who else do they put in the face or head of the coin but great men and women of their own.
So "young Turks" keep on believing in yourself and your abilities to do better beyond of what your Mentor has taught you!
Because we believe in your greatness and your ability to lead our organization if not our country to the next millennium! Your community and family needs you to lead the way!
Your knowledge of arnis is your life and identity as a true Filipino martial artist. You shall bestow them to the next generation as your legacy from our forebears.
Be proud and honored that such skills was bestowed to you from the very bottom of our hearts as we shared it to you and as a contribution to our beloved country.
This is only the beginning ............... some may be dreaming, smiling, working and planning of what a team can really achieved, for the success of each and everyone of you is also the success of the the team. Future is far ahead ............... but with teamwork, nothing is impossible to accomplish!
So build your own team in your heart so that all the system can work efficiently and have a healthy life ahead of you - "Young Turks"!!!
"Team building is constructing oneself for the team"
By: Manong