Saturday, June 03, 2006

Maharlika Celebrants for June!

Maharlikan Celebrants

Bro Ewew

04 June

Agile and smart .......... the sparring partner of Sr. Supt. Adriatico Del Camat (PNP). Isa sa binansagang "Tatlong itlog". Never ceases to amaze his antics and charms. The "silent killer" for a ladies smile. What more can I describe you Bro!

You have the ecstatic electricity in your charm .......... surely can catch a ladies attention! Move on Bro. there's a lot of future ahead of you. Follow your dreams and be careful that if in case you fell from every step along the way, get up and move forward that next time it may never happen again. Let it be a challenge on your part, not a hindrance for your dreams!

Sir Romy

26 June

Hey guys how can we describe him??? .................... Hmmmm, well probably he is the mentor of the mentor of our mentors! Seems like I'm getting lost too! How long was that, then???

When I came for the orientation in the summer workshop seminar of arnis in 1974 at the Nayong Pilipino, this was the first time I meet Sir Romy. He was a good speaker and advocator because he was able to persuade me to continue that training onward. He was also the one responsible in giving me the opportunities to developed my potentials of what I am today. Personally, I owe this things to him.

I may be your kindling light in our Maharlika but he is the highway to where we are going. The brain behind of what we have achieved today.

The milestone we have traveled does not only belongs to our children but should be a tribute for him! Today Bros. and Sis. let us share a few minutes of our times to salute and greet our greatest mentor - Sir Romy .................. a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May you be blessed with a healthy body and spirit so that you can still show us the extent of the highways you have created for us! God bless you!!!


01 June

Young talented and dedicated, Gudo is a potential leader. Don't be misled Gudo because you are in the right path. You know we are not perfect ......... because perfection is God's work and as Michael J. Fox said "We work and practice to attain excellence; Perfection is God's business"! When problem arises, don't be a blind follower but use your wisdom of righteousness. Voice out and let your heart be heard at times. Keep in your heart the Maharlikan way of life - "arnis is a way of life NOT a means of life!"

Loyalty to Maharlika not to a particular individual will move you forward because Maharlika offers opportunities for people who help themselves. We serve Maharlika and NOT vice versa. Your success in life will be her success and the only thing she can offer is to guide you in your life.

You have still a long way to go to become a full member of the Maharlika but every step you do for yourself improvement is a step of becoming a Maharlikan.

Bro Rick

27 June

The captain of the ship! Truly he is .............. now for sure you are the captain of the Liping Maharlika. We have entrusted her to you so be sure to give a little quality of time to her Bro!

We know you can do it! Because your love for her has never changed. Remember the times when you were in Luneta ........... walang pera! Bro. Rene shares his sandwich to you in UE. Ssssht! You were so skinny and dark but hansome-ma?? He!he!he! Like Ka Andoy we just couldn't seem to find you in the dark!

Waistline! Would you believe he got only 24" ........... and that was 30 years ago! Add them up and you'll be surprised to be .......... you know what it is .......... sign of PROGRESS!

No offense ............ your tummy maybe big but your heart is much bigger! I know how much you have spent for all the things for Maharlika but surely we cannot pay the loyalty you have with her.

Carry-on of what we have started and surely we still have a long long way to go!

Happy Birthday Guys!!!

from all of us!